water and weight lossIt makes up about 71 per cent of the Earth, 60 per cent of the human body, composes 73 per cent of our heart and brain and about 83 per cent of our lungs. So yeah, water is sort of a BIG deal! Water and weight loss go together.

Water keeps us hydrated and full of energy. It also helps in keeping you young and hey it is the secret weapon that could help you to lose your fat and keep it away. You read that right! Water can help you to lose weight.

Benefits of water for weight loss

The best thing about water is that there are no additives and preservatives. You will not be adding empty calories to your body. Nor will you be consuming anything that can cause harm to your teeth. How good is water? Well, no doctor ever said not to drink water! It is healthy, and it will continue keeping you healthy.

How water helps you lose weight?

Water and weight loss work together. Drinking water helps you to increase your metabolism.  The increased metabolism will helps you to lose weight as a higher metabolism will mean more calories burned. Weight loss does not happen only when you exercise, but after you have exercised. This is why it is so crucial to make sure you remain hydrated during and after working out. The process is called resting energy expenditure. The science and research is quiet in depth, what you need to know is that consuming water will increase your metabolism and help in weight loss.

Water also has the tendency to make you feel full. Just a glass of cold water before your meals is a great way to make sure you are not consuming a lot of food. Cold water is said to have a better effect on your metabolism than tepid or warm water, so enjoy that cold glass of water as every bit helps!

 ID-10078023When should you drink water?

Now is a good time. The problem with good advices is that they are usually not followed. While a lot of us know that we should be drinking more water, we usually don’t.

Drink water before every meal

Get into the habit of drinking a glass of water prior to every meal or snack you have. Not only will that ensure you eat less, but also that you are getting your daily dose of water.  I make sure me & my kids do.

Start and end your day with a glass of water

Also make sure that you drink start and end your day with a glass of water. The human body gets dehydrated even when it sleeps. Drinking water first thing will help you remain active during the day. A glass in the evening will ensure that you have a great sleep!

Post workout drink

Yes you can drink your protein shakes but do not give up on water. In fact the whole time that you are working out or doing exercises, make sure you keep yourself hydrated.

Goodbye fizzy drinks!

Time to say goodbye to empty calories and replace it with the healthy alternative that is out there – water.

Check out Cassie Ho’s detox water for a simple idea to spruce up your water:


Drink it up and drink often. Time to fight those fats. Water is going to be your new best friend in helping you lose weight and getting the body of your dreams. Have fun being fit!