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A low carb diet plan involves consuming natural, unprocessed foods with low carbohydrate content. A typical low carb diet plan is comprised of meat, fish, eggs, high-fat dairy products, healthy oils, nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, and non-gluten grains.

Foods that should be excluded from a low carb dietary plan include wheat, seed oils, sugar, artificial sweeteners, soft drinks, agave, candy, ice cream, hydrogenated oils, and highly processed foods.

A sample low-carb menu may include fried omelet in butter or coconut oil with various vegetables in breakfast, grass-fed yogurt with blueberries or shrimp salad with some olive oil in lunch, and cheeseburger served with vegetables or salmon with butter in dinner.

There is a lot of scientific evidence that this type of diet makes the best option for individuals who want to shed extra fat, reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and lower the risk of heart disease.

A low carb dietary plan is rich in protein, which strengthens immune system and promotes gains in muscle mass. Another benefit of following low carb eating pattern is insulin management.