Slow Carb Diet

The slow carb diet is based on consuming foods with a low glycemic index which is a number associated with a food that indicates that food’s effect on an individual’s blood glucose. The underlying philosophy of the slow carb diet plan is to eliminate starches and anything sweet in order to regulate insulin and burn body fat.

The slow carb diet is comprised of eggs, lean meat, organic bacon, beans, peas, green leafy vegetables, olive oil, cottage cheese, brown rice, whey protein, herbs, unsweetened cocoa, and non-creamy non-sugar dressings.

The foods which should not be consumed on the slow carb diet include refined soy products, cheese, dairy products, fruits, potatoes, bread, white rice, quinoa, and all sauces and dressings with fructose, honey, maple syrup, corn syrup, and sugar. The diet, unlike other carb-based diets, allows alcohol consumption. It also allows you to choose one day a week for a “cheat” day. It means that you can eat what you want when you want on that particular day.

The ideal breakfast on slow carb diet should be comprised of plenty of protein which should be consumed within 30 minutes of waking up. Some breakfast ideas include consuming smoothie with protein powder; 2 eggs with black beans, salsa and guacamole; or 3 eggs with 3 slices of Canadian bacon.

Drink unsweetened tea or coffee without cream or milk. Lunch and dinner should be a combination of protein and vegetables. Meal ideas include consuming roasted chicken or turkey with mixed vegetables, steak with ghee and green beans, beef and vegetable curry, meat and bean chili, or salmon with mustard and fresh spinach salad.

Following a slow carb dietary plan is very effective for weight loss because it burns fat fast by eliminating foods that promote fat storage. Metabolism hacking techniques like binging on “cheat” foods once a week and eating immediately upon waking up help you lose excess fat.